Simulation tools for heavy-ion tracking and collimation


  • Pascal Dominik Hermes
  • R. Bruce
  • F. Cerutti
  • A. Ferrari
  • J.M. Jowett
  • A. Lechner
  • A. Mereghetti
  • D. Mirarchi
  • P.G. Ortega
  • S. Redaelli
  • B. Salvachua
  • E. Skordis
  • G. Valentino
  • V. Vlachoudis



The LHC collimation system, which protects the LHC hardware from unde-
sired beam loss, is less efficient with heavy-ion beams than with proton beams
due to fragmentation into other nuclides inside the LHC collimators. Reliable
simulation tools are required to estimate critical losses of particles scattered
out of the collimation system which may quench the superconducting LHC
magnets. Tracking simulations need to take into account the mass and charge
of the tracked ions. Heavy-ions can be tracked as protons with ion-equivalent
rigidity using proton tracking tools like SixTrack, as used in the simulation tool
STIER. Alternatively, new tracking maps can be derived from a generalized ac-
celerator Hamiltonian and implemented in SixTrack. This approach is used in
the new tool heavy-ion SixTrack. When coupled to particle-matter interaction
tools, they can be used to simulate the collimation efficiency with heavy-ion
beams. Both simulation tools are presented and compared to measurements.


