Chapter 9: Conclusion


  • D. Newbold



In accordance with the recommendations of the 2020 update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics, the European Laboratory Directors Group has completed a year-long process to determine the status and prospects of particle accelerator R&D in five key areas, and has proposed R&D objectives for the next five-to-ten years with an outline delivery plan to achieve them. The analysis and planning have been conducted by five expert panels, with membership from the European and international field. The panels have in turn consulted with a wide cross-section of the accelerator physics and particle physics communities, and relied upon their input and views for the identification, prioritisation and organisation of the future work plan.

This report therefore represents the view of the community within the five areas considered, whilst acknowledging that the future R&D programme will exist in the context of many other activities and demands on the resources of the field. The LDG has made ten recommendations concerning the future adoption and prioritisation of the roadmap, along with observations on the implementation and governance of the programme. It is our hope that the European accelerator physics community, in concert with the international partners, will use the Roadmap as a platform to move swiftly forwards into a new era of ambitious, cooperative, fundamental and applied R&D, and follow current projects such as Hl-LHC with increasingly rapid progress towards future generations of sustainable particle accelerators. The delivery of the facilities foreseen in the European Strategy, and the potential for future scientific discoveries in the long term, depends on it.


