AD and LEIR Consolidation


  • T. Eriksson CERN, Geneva
  • et al.



LHC, performance, Chamonix.


As the AD programme now faces a renewed lease of life following the start of the ELENA project, it is essential to ensure best possible reliability and performance for the next 20 years   or so. The AD machine, which was started in 1999, is based on the Antiproton Collector (AC) ring of the Antiproton Accumulator Complex (AAC) which in turn was constructed in the mid-80ies. Since most of the major AD components were retained from the AC, we now have a significant amount of 30-year old equipment to deal with. LEIR is in a similar situation  having started life in the 80s, supplying antiproton beams at various energies for the PS physics programme. After having been transformed into a heavy ion accumulator in 2004 and subsequently used in operation, some consolidation needs have become apparent. LEIR is expected to keep delivering heavy ions to the North Area and to the LHC until 2035, and  possibly light ions to a new biology research facility in the South Hall. A consolidation programme is underway for both machines and here we will discuss the main aspects of ongoing and planned activities from an operational point of view.


