Vol. 4 (2021): CERN Proton Synchrotron East Area Facility: Upgrades and renovation during Long Shutdown 2

Editors: Johannes Bernhard, Filipa Carvalho, Sébastien Evrard, Erwan Harrouch and Giulia Romagnoli.
In this document, we present the upgrade of the East Experimental Area facility which took place during the Long Shutdown 2 (2019–2021). This document covers the renovation of the East Hall beamlines and infrastructure according to a new layout with the goal of improving the magnet and radiation situation in general. The performance of the new beamlines will be optimized in terms of maximum momentum and choice of particle type. Thanks to a cycled powering mode of the magnets instead of a steady state one, considerable energy savings will be possible. This report summarizes the various detailed studies completed from 2016 to 2019.