Vol. 3 (2017): Proceedings of the CAS-CERN Accelerator School on Intensity Limitations in Particle Beams

					View Vol. 3 (2017): Proceedings of the CAS-CERN Accelerator School on Intensity Limitations in Particle Beams

Geneva, Switzerland, 2-11 November 2015

Editor: Werner Herr

This report presents the proceedings of a specialized course organized by the CERN Accelerator School (CAS). The topic this time being ’Intensity Limitations in Particle Beams’. The course was held at CERN, Switzerland, from 2–11 November 2015. The last course on this topic was organized in the framework of the Joint US-CERN School on Particle Accelerators in November 1990. It was felt that the progress in the field justified a revised course. The lectures addressed fundamental theory as well as experimental results. The indispensable beam diagnostics and mitigation measures were covered in dedicated lectures. The lectures were complemented by several sessions of exercises and the discussion of the solutions.

CERN-2017-006-SP, ISBN 978–92–9083–462–5 (paperback), ISBN 978–92–9083–463–2 (PDF)


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