Experimenting with policy design: fostering reshoring in Emilia Romagna region


  • Clio Dosi Management Engineering, Department of Management, Bologna (Italy)
  • Matteo Vignoli Management Engineering, Department of Management, Bologna (Italy)
  • Paolo Barbieri Management Engineering, Department of Management, Bologna (Italy)
  • Federico Frattini Department of Economics and Management, Ferrara (Italy)
  • Franco Mosconi Department of Economics and Management, Parma (Italy)
  • Giorgio Prodi Department of Economics and Management, Ferrara (Italy)




policy design, design thinking, policy implementation, reshoring, policy prototyping


Design for policy deals with the policy cycle by recurring to design practices and tools, such as user-centered design, co-design,
insights identification, abduction, creativity, prototyping. Empirical studies show that practice of design as inspirational and creative practice usually happens in the first phases of the policy cycle, and it hardly manages the challenges faced in policy formulation and policy implementation of the later phases of the policy cycle. In this case study we experiment with a policy innovation process that deals with those practices also in later stages of the policy cycle. The case study settles at the Regional level in Emilia Romagna to foster Reshoring initiatives.


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How to Cite

Dosi, C., Vignoli, M., Barbieri, P. ., Frattini, F., Mosconi, F., & Prodi, G. (2022). Experimenting with policy design: fostering reshoring in Emilia Romagna region. CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation, 6(1), 7–14. https://doi.org/10.23726/cij.2022.1333



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