Summer school at CERN IdeaSquare on experimentation-driven research methodologies
CERN IdeaSquare Summer School 2025 - - Experimentation-driven Research Methodologies
Geneva, 9th-13th June 2025
IdeaSquare CERN Innovation Social Innovation Business Experimentation Experimental Innovation
Guest Editors:
Bettina Maisch, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Munich, Germany
Steven A. Gedeon, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Canada
Barbara Wolf, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany
Karina Cagarman, Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Sebastian Kernbach, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
In the scientific spirit of CERN, this Special Issue focuses on humanity's biggest experiment: Life Design. It is about transformations and innovations related to the most profound questions of what it means to design your life in your personal and professional context for sustainable flourishing, meaning, happiness, and well-being on individual and societal levels. We sought inspiring articles that spark new ideas, go against what is commonly understood, and inspire us to ask more questions and create new experiments to advance practice-oriented and experimentation-driven innovation in the Career and Life Design field.
We are pleased to announce that Matteo Vignoli, currently co-editor of the CERN IdeaSquare
Journal of Experimental Innovation (CIJ), has accepted to take up the role of Editor in Chief of the
Journal as of June 1 st , 2023.