Entrepreneurial tendencies among highly educated students in Germany and Italy - A cross-national study


  • Florian Tschernuth Collège des Ingénieurs, Munich, Germany
  • Xin Shen Collège des Ingénieurs, Munich, Germany
  • Alessandro Rossi Collège des Ingénieurs, Torino, Italy
  • Alice Antonelli Collège des Ingénieurs, Torino, Italy
  • Hippolyte Goutebroze Collège des Ingénieurs, Paris, France




Innovation Management, Career Decisions, Germany, Italy, Entrepreneurship education


Continuous and breakthrough industrial innovations are essential for sustainability and the success of modern economies. As the development of innovative products and technologies is often performed within start-up enterprises, the facilitation of entrepreneurial spirit is of major political interest. However, central European countries like Italy and Germany lack behind as highly educated students rather prefer more conventional career paths. In this study we surveyed Bachelor, Master and PhD students in Germany and Italy to further understand the cultural and socio-geographic effects on career decisions. Although only minor differences could be detected among the peer-group, beneficial observations were derived, identifying key-motivators and cultural necessities.


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How to Cite

Tschernuth, F., Shen, X., Rossi, A., Antonelli, A., & Goutebroze, H. (2023). Entrepreneurial tendencies among highly educated students in Germany and Italy - A cross-national study . CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation, 7(1), 18–27. https://doi.org/10.23726/cij.2023.1412