How participatory design influences issue framing: a hospital case study


  • Floris Van der Marel Aalto University Design Factory, P.O. Box 17700 (Puumiehenkuja 5A, 02150, Espoo), FI-00076 Aalto, Finland



Professional education, design training, issue framing, open culture


This study examines the impact of a participatory design initiative on issue framing within a professional setting. In a hospital, a participatory design initiative was organised. Participants shared ideas for a more open and innovative working culture before and after the initiative. Comparing the before and after statements revealed a shift in participants' framing, indicating increased self-efficacy, empathy, and systems thinking. Ideas for change transformed from external dependencies to controllable strategies, reflecting a deeper understanding of organizational complexity and a commitment to enhance stakeholder experiences. This highlights the transformative potential of design training in empowering employees to identify and address challenges effectively.


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How to Cite

Van der Marel, F. (2023). How participatory design influences issue framing: a hospital case study. CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation, 7(3), 38–42.