Tech to Organization. Assessing and designing technology adoption with design thinking


  • Nicolò Cocchi University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
  • Clio Dosi University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
  • Matteo Vignoli University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy



Innovation management, Technology management, Design thinking, New product development


This article explores how design thinking can be tailored to address projects that focus on assessing the value of technology adoption within an organization and designing an appropriate application. We studied seven innovation projects conducted within a European Design Factory. We identified common patterns that define an adapted design thinking process called "Tech to Organization" to address such technology-driven project effectively. Results show how classic design thinking tools are adapted in such a process (e.g., technology abilities, technology problem-framing, technolgoy proof of value) and how the phases and milestones of the process change


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How to Cite

Cocchi, N., Dosi, C., & Vignoli, M. (2023). Tech to Organization. Assessing and designing technology adoption with design thinking. CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation, 7(3), 20–31.