Including Career Guidance in University Courses: The Instructor Perspective




BEAST methodology, Employability, Career education, Career guidance


This study explores the integration of career education into university courses from the instructor's perspective, addressing the need for effective methods to enhance students' career readiness. Interviews with professors, course coordinators, and career office managers from multiple European universities revealed significant variations in the instructors' willingness and ability to provide career education, influenced by their business experience and perceived ownership of the guidance role. The study identifies four distinct instructor profiles and offers tailored recommendations to support each one. Additionally, it outlines key design principles for creating activities that enable instructors to incorporate career education into their teaching practices seamlessly.




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How to Cite

Gorni, E., Vignoli, M., & Di Stasi, M. (2024). Including Career Guidance in University Courses: The Instructor Perspective. CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation, 8(3), 84–92.