Navigating Peaks and Valleys - Fostering Resilience via Entrepreneurial Life Design


  • Gisa Todt Ludwig-Maximilians University, Institute for Leadership and Organisation, Ludwigstr. 28 RG, 80539 Munich, Germany
  • Barbara Wolf Ludwig-Maximilians University, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center, Giselastraße 10, 80802 Munich, Germany
  • Bettina Maisch Munich University of Applied Sciences HM and Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE), Heßstraße 89, 80797 Munich, Germany



Resilience, Entrepreneurial Life Design, Start-up Success, Entrepreneurship Education, 4D LOOPING, Dark Side of Entrepreneurship, Translational Science, Mental Health, Burnout


This paper explores the integration of resilience within Entrepreneurial Life Design (ELD) in Entrepreneurship Education (EE). It examines the link between resilience and entrepreneurship, focusing on ELD to build resilience in aspiring entrepreneurs. The study introduces the 4D LOOPING Framework to enhance essential resilience resources, comprising the Discover, Design, Deliver, and Discuss phases. These resources include personal attributes like self-efficacy and adaptability, which prepare entrepreneurs to handle setbacks effectively. The paper proposes that ELD frameworks, such as 4D LOOPING, strengthen resilience resources and contribute to more sustainable entrepreneurial success. The research adopts a translational science approach, bridging the gap between theoretical understanding of resilience and its practical implementation in EE. Further research is recommended to explore the empirical impact of ELD frameworks on entrepreneurial resilience.


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How to Cite

Todt, G., Wolf, B., & Maisch, B. (2024). Navigating Peaks and Valleys - Fostering Resilience via Entrepreneurial Life Design. CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation, 8(3), 28–35.