Extending lab results to advices for leadership facilitating creativity in organizations


  • Hicham Ezzat Center for Management Science Mines ParisTech
  • Pascal Le Masson Center for Management Science Mines ParisTech
  • Benoit Weil Center for Management Science Mines ParisTech




leadership, creativity, ideation, fixation, organisation


In today’s innovation-dependent environment, organizations should constantly innovate to survive in the marketplace. However, fixation imposes major constraints on the creativity of employees in organizations. In recent years, experimental laboratory studies have proposed leadership-based methods to overcome fixation. In this study, we propose and test a research method that extends the results of these studies to organizations and demonstrate how this can help uncover new organizational leadership variables promoting creativity that are not usually considered in the literature. We use a set of historical and empirical material to validate the importance of including these criteria when studying “leadership for creativity.”




How to Cite

Ezzat, H., Le Masson, P., & Weil, B. (2017). Extending lab results to advices for leadership facilitating creativity in organizations. CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation, 1(2), 17. https://doi.org/10.23726/cij.2017.481