Experiments in an Organisational Context


  • John Christiansen Copenhagen Business School
  • Julian Birkinshaw London Business School
  • Pascal Le Masson MINES ParisTech - PSL Research University
  • Saku Makinen Tampere University of Technology/CERN




Experiments, organizations, innovation.


This special issue helps to shed new light on a large variety of methods, such as a method to learn from experiments driven by a company itself or a method to extend results from lab experiments to organizational situations. The papers illustrate how management science is able to articulate theoretical construction and empirical research through a variety of experimental approaches, and they attest to the scientific rigor and vitality of our scientific community. Furthermore, all the papers show how the experimental research in management research could be further conducted in environments such as IdeaSquare@CERN to improve understanding of managing and leading organisations.




How to Cite

Christiansen, J., Birkinshaw, J., Le Masson, P., & Makinen, S. (2017). Experiments in an Organisational Context. CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation, 1(2), 1. https://doi.org/10.23726/cij.2017.684