Editorial Team

Editors in-Chief

Emden Markus, University of Teacher Education Zurich, Switzerland

Monti Jermini Luana, University of Teacher Education Locarno, Switzerland


Arnold Julia, FHNW School of Education, Switzerland

Boelsterli Bardy Katrin, University of Teacher Education Lucerne, Switzerland

Mueller Andreas, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Nehring Andreas, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany

Schmeling Sascha Marc, CERN, Switzerland

Managing Editor

Despina Ypsilopoulou, CERN, Switzerland


Former Editorial Team Members

Robin Nicolas, University of Teacher Education St.Gallen, Switzerland (Editor in-Chief)

Urs Kocher, SUPSI, Switzerland (Editor) 

Markus Wilhelm, University of Teacher Education Lucerne, Switzerland (Editor)

Atanasova Sanja, University of Teacher Education St.Gallen, Switzerland (Managing Editor)

Ferris Catherine, University of Teacher Education St.Gallen, Switzerland (Editorial Associate)

Maurer Dshamilja, University of Teacher Education St.Gallen, Switzerland (Editorial Associate)


Reviewers are usually invited by an editor of the journal to provide a review. Typically, editors select researchers who are experts in the same field as the paper. If you would like to register as a reviewer for PriSE please write an email with your research expertise to: PriSE-editors@cern.ch

PriSE collaborates with the following reviewers

Anton Michael, Beck Michael, Bienert Natalie, Boltshauser Andrea, Bosset Isabelle, Breitenmoser Petra, Brovelli Dorothee, Brugger Patric, Brühwiler Christian, Büchel Désirée, Büchel Sonja, Buchner Josef, Bürki Rolf, Colberg Christina, Dauner Gardiol Isabelle, Edelmann Doris, Emden Markus, Gemballa Sven, Grigioni Bauer Sveva, Grob Regula, Grünig Fabig, Grusche Sascha, Gubler Moritz, Güdel Karin, Gut-Glanzmann Christoph, Heinicke Susanne, Hemmer Ingrid, Hermann Michelle, Hild Pitt, Huchler-Benchaou Tanja,Huguenin Arianne, Kocher Urs, Kraus Elisabeth, Krell Moritz, Kunz Patrick, Letouzey Justine, Lindau Anne-Kathrin, Lukas Sarah, Menthe Jürgen, Metzger Susanne, Mikelskis-Seifert Silke, Notari Michele, Obendrauf Michael, Porges Karl, Rehm Markus, Rempfler Armin, Roy Patrick, Rott Lisa, Sannert Richard, Schmiedebach Mario, Schmid Rahel, Schönauer Ute, Schumann Svantje, Smit Robbert, Stinken Rösner Lisa, Strahl Alexander, Sumfleth Elke, Tardent Kuster Josiane, Tempelmann Sebastian, von Arx Matthias, Wackermann Rainer, Welzel-Breuer Manuela, Wessnigk Susanne, Wilhelm Markus, Woithe Julia, Wolf Christina