Understanding engineering students' perceptions of their curiosity, diligence, and perseverance and assessing its impact on their creativity
Creativity, Engineering, Curiosity, Diligence, Perseverance, Education, DesignAbstract
Creativity has been among the most in-demand skills for many years. Previous studies have shown that being curious, hard-working, and persevering can significantly impact one's performance. This article is an exploratory study to understand engineering students' self-perception towards their own 1) Curiosity, 2) Diligence, and 3) Perseverance and how it affects their creativity. The research uses a well-curated study based on a survey, rubrics and statistics. The study found that curiosity has the highest potential to support creativity. However, it also has a rather intriguing relationship with diligence and perseverance. Awareness of the dynamic correlations between these three aspects can help educators design their pedagogical practices to support students to be more creative problem solvers.
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