Summer school at CERN IdeaSquare on experimentation-driven research methodologies
CERN IdeaSquare Summer School 2025 - - Experimentation-driven Research Methodologies
Geneva, 9th-13th June 2025
IdeaSquare CERN Innovation Social Innovation Business Experimentation Experimental Innovation
Guest Editors:
Peter Joore, Future Design Factory, NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands; TU Delft, Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, The Netherlands
Tua Björklund, Aalto University Design Factory, Aalto University School of Engineering, Finland
Christine Thong, Design Factory Melbourne, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Eduardo Zancul, São Paulo Design Factory, University of São Paulo, Brazil
We are pleased to announce that Matteo Vignoli, currently co-editor of the CERN IdeaSquare
Journal of Experimental Innovation (CIJ), has accepted to take up the role of Editor in Chief of the
Journal as of June 1 st , 2023.