The analytical competency model to investigate the video-stimulated analysis of inclusive sciene education


  • Daniela Egger Leuphana University Lüneburg
  • Simone Abels Leuphana University Lüneburg



Background: Teachers are a key factor for an inclusive education for all learners. Science teachers are responsible for facilitating scientific literacy for all learners, reducing barriers and enabling participation to shape the society of tomor-row. Providing those opportunities means educating future teachers on how to plan, create and analyze inclusive sci-ence lessons for all learners and valuing diversity. Especially, the competence to analyze is seen as a necessity to develop high quality teaching.

Purpose: To understand the competency development of future teachers regarding inclusive science education, ex-perts in this field are invited to analyze a video vignette showing inclusive science education. The experts identify and analyze inclusive science education within a video-stimulated reflection (VSRef) to create a reference norm for the investigation of future teachers’ competencies. For the purpose of context-related data analysis, we developed a five-stage model to categorize the VSRefs: The Analytical Competency Model (ACM).

Sample/Setting: Our participants include experts in the field of inclusive science education (N=6): three PhD students and three post docs who do research and teach in inclusive science education. Five hold a Master of Education (biology, chemistry and/or physics for secondary schooling and one in primary education), one participant has a Master’s degree in Special Needs Education. The range in age is 25-35 and all experts are from Germany.

Design and Methods: The experts watched a five-minute video vignette showing an inquiry-based learning setting on solubility. They were asked to observe, interpret and generate alternatives to the noticed teacher actions. We analyzed the VSRefs with a structured qualitative content analysis. We used expert validity to validate our ACM and calculated an intercoder reliability of the coding results regarding our ACM.

Results: The experts targeted all five stages with varying strength and showed high analytical competency in reflecting inclusive science education in the presented video-vignette. This will be illustrated and explained with examples of the experts’ reflections.

Conclusions: Our ACM can be used in higher education to evaluate the success of seminars on the topic of inclusive science education. The experts’ framing will be used in an investigation of a pre-service teacher sample to evaluate the development of their analytical competencies throughout a three-semester project-based seminar.

Keywords: Inclusive Science Education, Professional Vision, Teacher Professional Development, Analytical Competency, Qualitative Methods, Video Analysis

Author Biographies

Daniela Egger, Leuphana University Lüneburg

Daniela Egger works as a research assistant and PhD student at Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany, where she did her teacher education certificate (Master of Education) in Biology and German for secondary schools. After graduation she has started to work in the project “Nawi-In – Teaching science education inclusively –teacher students' competency development for and with school practice” in 2018. Her research focuses on investigating the analytical competencies of pre-service teachers regarding inclusive science education.

Simone Abels, Leuphana University Lüneburg

Since 2016 Prof. Dr. Simone Abels has worked as a professor for Science Eduaction at the Institute of Sustainable and Environmental Chemistry at Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany. She holds a Master’s in special needs education and a PhD in chemistry education, which focused on reflective teacher education. Her research areas are inquiry-based science education in inclusive science education, video-based professional development and reflective pre-service teacher education. She is project manager of several projects like “FoodLabHome: Climate Education to Reduce Domestic Food Waste” and “Nawi-In – Teaching science education inclusively –teacher students' competency development for and with school practice”.





