Analisi del linguaggio per lo studio del pensiero scientifico di bambini ed insegnanti


  • Tommaso Corridoni SUPSI-DFA



Primary school, Science didactics, Models, Teacher training, Text mining


This work shows how the statistical study of the language by means of a descending hierarchical classification is a research method useful for both science didactics and pedagogy. Comparing the results obtained analyzing texts in which both primary school children and their in-training teachers answer the same question about a scientific argument (why the leaves fall in autumn?) shows that, for this theme: a) adults and children use almost the same methods to research explicative models, while the paradigms change, i.e. the elements, the relations, the languages used to organize and formalize models; b) children explore easily new scientific paradigms, while aduls can be trapped in those they already know, maybe because of their representations of science. As discussed, these results are also useful for teacher training.

Author Biography

Tommaso Corridoni, SUPSI-DFA

Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI), Dipartimento Formazione e Apprendimento (DFA)


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